Do Cats Eat Catnip
So YES cats can eat Catnip but you could also ask the local vet to come and see your cat and see if they have any special likes and dislikes.
Do cats eat catnip. Most owners know that fur babies sniff the dry leave toys or fresh pants. Its natural and safe for cats to consume. But when a cat eats catnip.
And its perfectly safe - theres nothing in it that can harm your cat. So the only thing to worry about is them having too much at. Its unknown exactly why catnip has this effect but one theory is that catnip releases happy pheromones putting Toby in a temporary state of bliss.
Some cats can be exceptions to this rule as they will slowly increase their sensitivity over the years. Catnip is safe for cats to ingest. Although its important to.
Catnip is perfectly safe for cats and there is nothing wrong with them having it. Im here to answer that age old question with a video of our 2 year old cat Sue. Letting your cat snack on catnip is a safe option and some cats can really benefit from the effects.
Cats love catnip. However you should be careful and allow your cat to eat catnip only in moderation. Cats love catnip.
This herb is falling under the mint family. Before you start the video place your bets - do cats ea. The short answer is yes cats can eat catnip.